Post Windy City Summit updates to the Setting!

If you only follow posts via Discord or RSS reader, make sure to check out the main page for some setting updates following Darkness Emergent Chicago!

Game day decided!!

This is the official announcement that our first game at Eye of Newt will be on Sunday July 7th and will be every first Sunday going forward! Start time currently set for 7 pm, keep an eye on the calendar and Discord if anything changes!

Game Day Poll

Right now on our Discord we have a poll to help choose what day of the week to hold game. There's about 6 days left, so if you have an opinion, please make sure you vote!


We're a Live Action Roleplaying Game (LARP) set in Central Illinois using the Laws of the Night 5th Edition ruleset from By Night Studios.

We hope to tell local stories expanding on the Darkness Emergent setting and events.


Eye of Newt

3297 Court St

Pekin, Illinois

United States of America


Our content is not official World of Darkness material.

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. For more information please visit